Baby Seal


Año Nuevo State Park, California, USA.

Año Nuevo in California is a park and protected area where elephant seals rest and reproduce. After a hike, one can reach the spot where all the seals gather every year and hang out. The smell is distinct but so is the view. These slow-moving chill animals are beasts in the water, owning the ocean and roaming around the sea, exploring wonders that humans have never seen and cannot imagine. Every year they have a date to come back to Año Nuevo where a new cycle begins.

They are all hanging out far away, relaxing under the sun. A little pup left the group and started swimming in my direction. After some effort she arrived at the shore, she explored for a bit and then with a playful dance, she went back into the water. I had the privilege to take these pictures and learn about her kingdom from afar.

The sun started setting so, reluctantly, I found my way back, but I feel grateful I got to meet these wild beauties!


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